Standards are an integral part of the way we protect consumers globally. Agreed by experts, businesses and consumers, standards make our world easier, safer and more accessible. Although non-binding they often go on to form widely used legislation and act as a compliance system throughout the world. Consumers International has worked in the area of standards for as long as we have existed.


Our work in this area

Since our creation in 1960, we have worked closely with a range of key stakeholders to ensure that consumers have a voice in standardisation. From participating in the standard development process at a global level to encouraging member involvement at a national level, we strive to guarantee that standards remain an essential tool for protecting consumers and strengthening their trust in products and services. 

Consumers International has strong and long-standing relations with the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) and their Consumer Policy Committee (COPOLCO).




As a Liaison organisation for COPOLCO, we propose new work items that can lead to the development of new standards. We have supported the development of many new standards on important areas such as energy, mobile payments and corporate social responsibility.

Our commitment to capacity building and training for consumer groups on standardisation has also enabled consumer organisations to develop a better understanding of why standards are such an important part of consumer protection. 

Learn more about our work with COPOLCO.


  • Consumers International proposed, worked on and even drafted the first version of an international standard on improving the delivery of energy services to consumers. The standard was approved by ISO in August 2016 - the first time that a standard proposed by an NGO has become an ISO international standard. 
  • We were instrumental in getting the standard on access to water and sanitation approved. The standard has increased consumer rights and improved industry practice, particularly in Latin America where it has been widely adopted. 
  • As part of the ISO working group on mobile banking, we contributed to the drafting of ISO Standard 12812, which secured more transparency in remittances sent between countries and strengthened protection for consumers affected for unauthorised or fraudulent use of their payment systems. 

Useful links and resources


Consumers International full members can also subscribe to dedicated Standards eNetwork for updates and announcements by emailing with your full name, work email address and organisation details.


Joint Statement: Consumers International calls for COVID-19 response to focus on global consumer protection and empowerment

Consumers International members in 100 countries are calling for a focus on the protection and empowerment of individuals in the marketplace based on consumer rights, and for coordinated strategies across nations and intergovernmental bodies to build fair, safe, resilient and sustainable economies through consumer protection.



Pamela Coke Hamilton and Teresa Moreira, UNCTAD: 'Consumers vs COVID-19'

Despite the human suffering and the economic crisis brought upon us by COVID 19, there are those who take the opportunity to profit from the chaos and misfortune of others. This has opened yet another front in our battle against a global virus: protecting consumers.


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Maximising consumer voices in digital financial services policy-making: Consumer organisations' engagement strategies

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