The Digital Index is a collection of global digital policies and initiatives that aim to protect and empower consumers. In a fast-moving world where digital technologies are constantly evolving and breaking down barriers, it is really important to share knowledge and insights on how best to deliver policy and practice for a digital world consumers can trust.

The Index, which has been funded by German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV), is a resource for policy-makers, businesses and civil society to inspire them to create policy and practice that will ensure everyone benefits from the opportunities brought by digital innovation.

Read on to find out more about the Digital Index and to sign up to email updates. Click below to begin exploring the Index. 



Search by Country, Region or Policy Area

You can search for policies in the Digital Index by country, region, policy area or keyword, helping you to find the examples most relevant to you. Our search function also allows you to compare policies across topic area or country, simply select multiple options and view the results.  

Each policy comes with a short description and is tagged with a number of keywords to help you find other related content.

Contribute policies and examples

If you have a policy or initiative you think should be added to the Index, you can use our web form to provide the relevant information.

Your suggestions will help us ensure the Digital Index continues to grow, expand and improve as a useful tool for promoting consumer protection and empowerment across the globe.

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Joint Statement: Consumers International calls for COVID-19 response to focus on global consumer protection and empowerment

Consumers International members in 100 countries are calling for a focus on the protection and empowerment of individuals in the marketplace based on consumer rights, and for coordinated strategies across nations and intergovernmental bodies to build fair, safe, resilient and sustainable economies through consumer protection.



Internet freedom in Africa: Taxes, Shutdowns And a need for change

Access to the internet is a powerful tool that should not be taken for granted. More than 4.4 billion users worldwide are now connected, spending a daily average of 6.5 hours online. But whilst reliable internet access is a reality for many consumers across the globe, for billions it is still a distant dream.


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Maximising consumer voices in digital financial services policy-making: Consumer organisations' engagement strategies

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